Day 11 The Pool

The morning in Little Current was cloudy and rainy. Not a pretty beginning to the day.  We got packed up and headed over to get fuel and a pump out.

There is a swing bridge connecting Little Current to the mainland. It opens if there are boats waiting but only on the hour.  When we pushed off from the gas dock it was 10:02. 

The owner of the gas dock, Wally, said we should make it under the bridge if we put the VHF antenna down.  As we approached the bridge it looked like they would not open for us.  I had Charlotte take the helm and I got out on the gunwale to lower the antenna, then stayed out to make sure we'd clear and put the antenna back up. 

We cleared with room to spare.

There is a lighthouse on Strawberry Island about 2 miles past the bridge.  We swung by it to take pictures before heading to the Baie Fine which takes you to The Pool.

Baie Fine is about 400 feet wide and about 6 miles long with rocks on both sides.  Most of it is 40 or more feet deep but toward the end it gets a little narrow.  There is a blind turn into a narrow L shape area which is The Pool.

We saw 2 or 3 boats leaving as we were coming in. Once in The Pool we saw 5 other boats, a couple left and a few more arrived as we settled in.  We were 1 of 6 staying the night.  The closest boat was 100 yards away.

The area is beautiful.  High white hills.  What looks like granite on the shore, most of it covered with trees.  The water is flat dead calm.  We're barely moving because there is only a faint breeze.  It's quiet except for a bird or other animal, and the voices of the other boaters in the distance.  And as a added bonus there no cell service at all.

After we settled in and ate lunch we got in the dinghy and headed over to the trail which leads to Topaz Lake.  The trail isn't we'll marked but 2 guys were walking down the trail and gave us directions.

It was a rough uneven hike up the trail.  At times we were walking in a rocky stream bed.  The only markings were round blue tags nailed to trees.  About 1/2 way up we met a couple  (Bob and Carol) heading down the trail.  They said if you're looking for Topaz Lake you passed it.  I shared the directions I'd gotten and offered to scout ahead.  Bob and I went up the trail till we spotted a sign saying Topaz Lake and pointing left. 

After the women caught up we found the path leading to the lake.  This time yellow markers led the way.  After a tough hike we found the lake.  Topaz Lake is green and well below where we were standing.  The white hills reflected in the water made a beautiful picture.  We met another couple (Jack and Pam) at the last few steps up to the lake.  After we got a look at the lake and pictures taken we all headed back down to where the dinghys were beached.

We stood and talked a while before heading back to the boat for supper.  It should be great sleeping weather with still water and the incredible calm.  It will be hard to leave tomorrow.

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